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Personal Leadership Coaching

Information for clients being coached

I regard personal leadership coaching as a process initiated by an individual who believes that there is a mismatch between an aspect of their work or personal life – what they aspire to, versus their present reality. They have decided that their best option is to try to resolve the matter with the support of an objective external coach.


Most personal leadership coaching sessions are initiated by the individual, not an employer, as the topics to be explored may be of a more personal nature. Payment is typically from the coachee, not from an employer, and is often on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ basis. In personal leadership coaching work, I assist you to navigate your way through whatever dilemma or challenge you are facing.

Taking Notes
Together at the Top

Examples of my personal leadership coaching work

  • Making sense of personal change you’re experiencing

  • Managing your manager at work

  • Working with you to identify and put in place steps to achieve a career goal

  • Dealing with workplace politics

  • How to influence people at work who you can’t seem to ‘click’ with 

  • Making sense of, and dealing with mismatches in your life. For example managing the overlap between you, the main bread winner, and other aspects of your life (typically family, sport or hobbies)

  • Clarifying future career options and making career decisions

  • Supporting you when working through a poor performance period (without your employer’s knowledge or involvement) 

‘‘A goal without a plan is just a wish.’’

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Author of The Little Prince

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